Be a Part of Montco’s future

Neil Makhija and Jamila Winder, Montgomery County's dynamic leadership team, are seeking passionate individuals with diverse skills and experiences to help usher in Montgomery County’s next chapter. Whether you're interested in serving on County Boards and Commissions or contributing your expertise as a county employee, we invite you to become a part of our Resume Bank for the opportunity to collaborate with a diverse group of talented individuals to drive positive change in Montgomery County.

Whether you're an expert in public policy, healthcare, education, technology, or any other field, your skills and perspectives are essential to addressing pressing local issues. We are soliciting resumes and recruiting talented leaders to the county at all levels, including for senior roles.

To add your name and skills to our Resume Bank for future opportunities, please fill out the application form below and submit your resume. We look forward to connecting with you and working together to build a brighter future for Montgomery County.

Join Our resume Bank - share Your Expertise to Move MontCo Forward

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